248 research outputs found

    Noves cites a les nostres comarques de la Colobra d'Esculapí

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    Contribución a un estudio ornitológico de Banyoles, su lago y comarca (Prov. Gerona)

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    Quan el llop recolonitzarà Catalunya

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    En aquest escrit, l’autor explica algunes particularitats de la història del llop i de com, els seus competidors més poderosos, els humans, hem transformat la funció originària que tenia. D’aquesta manera es generaria un conflicte permanent i una guerra a mort i sense treves volgudes, precisament, deixant els llops en pau durant els conflictes bèl·lics Amb infinites actuacions en contra d’ell, aquest carnívor tan emblemàtic s’extingiria de molts territoris, però recentment hem sabut rectificar, donant-li algunes oportunitats que procura aprofitar com pot i amb molts interrogants sobre el resultat. A partir d’aquesta probable expansió i de la seva tornada recent a Catalunya, a l’article es plantegen diverses hipòtesis de futur i de les possibilitats de recolonització de l’espècie. A la vegada, es deixa molt clar que, segurament, tot dependrà, de la nostra voluntatIn this article, the writer looks at the story of wolves in Catalonia, and he shows how their interaction with their most deadly competitors, human beings, has transformed their original role in nature. He outlines how in a fight to the death, a permanent state of war for the wolves has existed, except during truces between humans armed conflicts. With a lot of actions, this emblematic carnivorous was extinct in Catalonia. In recent years, attempts to restore wolf populations, we have been able to rectify giving some opportunities fail but they’ve also raised huge question marks. With the probable expansion and its recent return, the author looks at possible future scenarios, and what the chances are for an eventual re-colonisation of the species. He leaves us in no doubt that their future lies completely in our handsEn el artículo que sigue, el autor comenta algunas particularidades de la historia del lobo y de la forma como sus competidores más poderosos, los humanos, hemos transformado la función originaria que tenía. De esta manera se generaría un conflicto permanente y una lucha a muerte, y sin treguas, tan solo presentes en tiempos de guerra. Con infinitas actuaciones contra este cánido tan emblemático se extinguiría en numerosos territorios, pero recientemente hemos rectificado, mediante algunas oportunidades que procura aprovechar com puede y con muchos interrogantes sobre su resultado. A partir de esta probable expansión y de su retorno reciente a Catalunya, en el artículo se plantean diversas hipótesis de futuro y de las posibilidades de recolonización de la especie. Así mismo se pone de manifiesto que, seguramente, todo dependerá de nuestra voluntad

    El llenguatge: una visió des de la teoria de la complexitat

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    En aquest article pretenem posar de relleu l'interès de la perspectiva CAS (llengua considerada com a Sistema Complex Adaptatiu) per a la investigació de la llengua i més concretament per a la investigació de la variació històrica i geogràfica. Parlem de l'evolució del llenguatge, entesa com els processos cognitius que donen lloc al canvi cultural i lingüístic. L'enfocament CAS considera el llenguatge com un fenomen emergent, "el resultat de l'activitat, el comportament col·lectiu i acumulatiu d'agents lingüístics a través del temps' (Frank i Gontier 2013:39)

    The response of the hepatocyte to ischemia

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    BACKGROUND: Ischemia-reperfusion (I/R) injury associated with hepatic resections and liver transplantation remains a serious complication in clinical practice, in spite of several attempts to solve the problem. AIMS: To evaluate the response of the hepatocyte to ischemia METHODS: Published data are thus revised. RESULTS: The response of the hepatocyte to ischemia is based on the sensitivity of hepatocytes to different types of ischemia, the kind of cell death of the hepatocyte when it is subjected to ischemia, and on the response of the hepatocyte to the different times and extents of ischemia. Clinical factors including starvation, graft, age, and hepatic steatosis, all of which contribute to enhancing liver susceptibility to ischemia/reperfusion injury. CONCLUSION: Ischemic preconditioning, based on the induction of a brief ischemia to the liver prior to a prolonged ischemia, has been applied in tumor hepatic resections for reducing hepatic I/R injury and recent clinical studies suggest that this surgical strategy could be appropriate for liver transplantation

    Connectors i processos de gramaticalització

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    In this article, we analyse the characteristics of the grammaticalization process that originates connectors, taking as analysis corpus the book «Costums de Tortosa». We have identified the temporal forms that became interordinate connectors (causal, consecutive, concessive, conditional and adversative), and have outlined the characteristics of the semantic change and of the sintactical reanalysis which can be observed in this process. As an example of this general process, we have analysed the semantic change in the case «encara» / «encara que» and the sintactical reanalysis in the semifixed structure «jasia ço que»

    Connectors i processos de gramaticalització

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    In this article, we analyse the characteristics of the grammaticalization process that originates connectors, taking as analysis corpus the book «Costums de Tortosa». We have identified the temporal forms that became interordinate connectors (causal, consecutive, concessive, conditional and adversative), and have outlined the characteristics of the semantic change and of the sintactical reanalysis which can be observed in this process. As an example of this general process, we have analysed the semantic change in the case «encara» / «encara que» and the sintactical reanalysis in the semifixed structure «jasia ço que»

    Identical sequences found in distant genomes reveal frequent horizontal transfer across the bacterial domain

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    Horizontal Gene Transfer (HGT) is an essential force in microbial evolution. Despite detailed studies on a variety of systems, a global picture of HGT in the microbial world is still missing. Here, we exploit that HGT creates long identical DNA sequences in the genomes of distant species, which can be found efficiently using alignment-free methods. Our pairwise analysis of 93 481 bacterial genomes identified 138 273 HGT events. We developed a model to explain their statistical properties as well as estimate the transfer rate between pairs of taxa. This reveals that long-distance HGT is frequent: our results indicate that HGT between species from different phyla has occurred in at least 8% of the species. Finally, our results confirm that the function of sequences strongly impacts their transfer rate, which varies by more than 3 orders of magnitude between different functional categories. Overall, we provide a comprehensive view of HGT, illuminating a fundamental process driving bacterial evolution
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